Manuel Rocheman Quartet New Single: Puppy’s Lullaby

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janvier 29, 2021

Listen to Puppy’s Lullaby, the latest single by the Manuel Rocheman Quartet, which appears on the future album « Magic Lights » to be released on Bonsaï Music Records on March 12, 2021.

Pupi’s Lullaby is a lullaby that Manuel Rocheman composed on the occasion of the birth of his daughter. An ode to gentleness, a love poem full of simplicity and spirit.

Magic Lights also marks the new milestone of Manuel Rocheman, this time he is joined by American saxophonist Rick Margitza. Mathias Allamane on double-bass and Matthieu Chazarenc on drums.

Manuel Rocheman Quartet is available for touring. (2021/2022). More info here.

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